Continued Support of the Resistance Mechagon


Patch 8.3 Operation: Mechagon Changes

In Patch 8.3, Operation: Mechagon can now be entered through the dungeon finder and ran as a Mythic+ dungeon. In order to make this huge dungeon more manageable, it has been split into two wings: Mechagon Junkyard and Mechagon Workshop.

Players can complete the first three bosses in whichever order they so choose. After the third boss encounter, HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit will land in Junkwatt Depot. It is recommended that when players see the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit flying over any of the bosses that they do not engage that particular boss unless they want to activate Hard Mode on normal Mythic difficulty.

Along your way, make sure to pick up the buffs from the various buff robots spread all around the junkyard area.

The HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit will begin to have a pattern once players defeat the first boss. It will begin to move to new locations as players progress through the dungeon. Players will want to defeat any boss that does not have the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit hovering above it, due to it making the fight harder if it is located at the same boss encounter.

The four bosses of Junkyard are:

In order for players to summon Gunker, all three Toxic Monstrosities will need to be cleared in the Outflow. Doing this will free the Squirt Bots, which will activate the boss and assist the players during the encounter.

Please keep in mind for the duration of this fight, most of Gunker's abilities will revolve around Toxic Goop Icon Toxic Goop. Players will want to avoid coming into contact with Toxic Goop Icon Toxic Goop, as it will cause them to become Gooped Icon Gooped. Players that become Gooped will be incapacitated, preventing them from using any of their actions. Once one player is Gooped, all other players should burn down the Goop that is encasing them.

Throughout the fight with Gunker, players will receive help from Squirt Bots. Once the encounter begins, Squirt Bot will activate the ability Sanitizing Spray Icon Sanitizing Spray around the players and slowly will make its way around Gunker. Squirt Bot will periodically walk over the Toxic Goop Icon Toxic Goop, which will remove the pool from the ground. However, there will be a permanent pool of Toxic Goop Icon Toxic Goop under Gunker, so damage dealers will want to avoid this.

During the encounter, there will be one Squirt Bot that walks around the melee range which can be permanently followed by melee players; however, Gunker will cast Splatter Icon Splatter throughout the fight, which will apply Gooped Icon Gooped to a random Squirt Bot. At this point, players will need to defeat the Goop that is encasing the Squirt Bot, but keep in mind that it will not have the Sanitizing Spray Icon Sanitizing Spray aura while encased.

Throughout the fight with Gunker, he will have a set amount of abilities that he will use. Mainly, he will use Toxic Fumes Icon Toxic Fumes, which will cause damage every 3 seconds. But as stated, he will have a set pattern of abilities that he will use throughout the fight.

Considered one of the toughest boss encounters, Trixie and Naeno DO NOT share the same health pool. When one is defeated, the other will become empowered, so players will want to kill the bosses at the same time. If players defeat Naeno first, Trixie will gain Super Boost Icon Super Boost, which increases her Haste by 100%, and if Trixie Tazer is defeated first, Naeno Megacrash will gain Turbo Boost Icon Turbo Boost, which increases the damage he deals.

Throughout the fight, Trixie will allow Naeno to enter the Mechacycle when she casts Jump Start Icon Jump Start. While in the Mechacycle, Naeno will aim in any given direction. After 4 seconds, he will cast Pedal to the Metal Icon Pedal to the Metal, which causes him to launch across the area in a straight line. Players will need to be aware of where the Mechacycle is and what direction he is in, due to the near lethal damage this ability will cause.

Afterwards, Naeno will cast Burnout, which will create a Smoke Cloud Icon Smoke Cloud, and will cast Pedal to the Metal Icon Pedal to the Metal again. Once again, players will need to aware of where the bike is and what direction it is pointing in. After casting the second Pedal to the Metal Icon Pedal to the Metal, Naeno will exit the Mechacycle and begin combat once more.

Once in combat, Naeno Megacrash will begin to follow the Tank and cast Roadkill Icon Roadkill, which will charge to an area, causing high damage to any players in that area. Tanks will need to be on the look out for Bolt Buster Icon Bolt Buster, which is a frontal cleave that is cast towards them and will kill any non-tank player that is in the area.

During the fight, Trixie Tazer does not melee the tank, but instead she will spam her Taze Icon Taze cast, which deals a small amount of up-front damage, but applies a harder damage over time to any any player that is hit that lasts for 20 seconds. During the fight with Trixie Tazer, it is recommended that players alternate interrupts. Keep in mind that Trixie will also reposition herself using Electric Slide Icon Electric Slide.

Trixie is also known to cast Mega Taze Icon Mega Taze instead. This is an uninterruptable cast that will mark a player. Once the 8-second cast is finished, the player that is marked will be stunned for a total of 8 seconds and will take a very high amount of damage. Players who are marked will need to enter the Smoke Cloud Icon Smoke Cloud in order to avoid the damage from Mega Taze Icon Mega Taze.

Upon engaging King Gobbamak, players will notice that the boss will be summoning Scrapbone Grunters throughout the fight. These troggs will only deal minor damage, but can quickly become overwhelming if not dealt with. Players will want to use the Stolen Tech that is around the area to keep the number of Troggs to a minimum.

When King Gobbamak reaches 100 Energy, he will begin to cast Charged Smash Icon Charged Smash on the tank. This deals a very high amount of damage that will be split among the players around the tank. For this ability, the party should be grouped up during the cast to help alleviate the amount of damage done and to keep the tank alive.

After players are hit with Charged Smash Icon Charged Smash, they will have an Electrical Charge Icon Electrical Charge, which will deal a small amount of damage over time to the player. In order to remove this, players will need to stand near either a Stolen Scrapbo or a Stolen Shock Coil. Doing this will activate the Stolen Tech for 20 seconds and instantly kills any Scrapbone Grunters that come near it.

Lastly,King Gobbamak will cast Rumble Icon Rumble every 45 seconds, which will deal a high amount of damage to all players over 5 seconds and causes Cave-Ins to occur. It is recommended that players should use any defensives they have and should avoid the falling rocks.


HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit

Players will find that this boss will consist of three phases. For the first phase, players will fight a Tank Buster MK1 and for Phase 2, players will need to return to an Overcharge station, which will cause triple damage to the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit going Haywire Icon Haywire.

For Phase 1, this will take place against the Tank Buster MK1 while HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit is in the air. The Tank Buster will cast Wreck Icon Wreck, which will deal a large amount of Physical damage to the tank every 3 seconds. Every time the tank gets hit, it will begin to stack a debuff called Wreck Icon Wreck, which will make every hit harder. At this point, tanks will need to make sure they have any and all cooldowns available for this ability.

Throughout Phase 1, the HK-8 will cast the ability Reinforcement Relay Icon Reinforcement Relay, which will summon Walkie Shockie X1s into the arena. These mobs will focus random players and slowly walk towards them, which will leave a Static Discharge Icon Static Discharge behind. Please keep in mind that these robots are immune to any damage and can only be crowd controlled. Once the energy has been depleted, the robots will begin to cast Self-Destruct Icon Self-Destruct.

Players will need to keep some of the other minor things in mind during Phase 1 of this fight. First, when players engage the Tank Buster, a Blue Ring will lock them within the arena and they will not able to leave. Players in the healer role will need to take care of the Tank Buster MK1 using Fulminating Zap Icon Fulminating Zap on random players in the fight. Lastly, the HK-8 will begin to move around the outskirts of the arena and cast Cannon Blast Icon Cannon Blast towards the center. If any player is hit with Cannon Blast Icon Cannon Blast, it will be a near one-shot and should be avoided at all costs.

After completing the above and the Tank Buster has been destroyed, Phase 2 will begin. This phase will begin with an announcement that either the North or South Overcharge station has been activated and players will need to start positioning themselves to the side of the arena. The HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit will fly to the center and begin casting Annihilation Ray Icon Annihilation Ray, which will deal light damage to the entire party.

At this point of the phase, players will need to go to the Overcharge Station while making sure to dodge the various traps that they will encounter. The first trap players will encounter is called Vent Blast Icon Vent Blast and can be located underneath the grated floors. Standing on these grates, while they are lit up, will cause players to take a high amount of damage and stun any player for a total of 2 seconds.

The second trap that players will encounter will be the Sentry Array. This trap will have a rotating set of beams that will teleport players to the beginning if they are hit. Players with leaps and jumps will be able to avoid these beams and avoid being sent back to the start of the dungeon.

The last trap that players will encounter during this boss encounter will be Sentry Bots. Players that get hit by these bots will not only send you back to the start of the dungeon, but will also alternate between the left and right side of the platforms. During the second wave of bots, however, they will rotate around the Overcharge Station instead.

Once players have made it to the top, they will need to begin a Hacking channel on the Overcharge Station. The Overcharge Station begins with 100 energy and every second that any player spends hacking will remove 2 energy from the station. Once the Overcharge Station reaches 0 energy, this will cause the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit to go Haywire Icon Haywire and it will take 300% damage for 30 seconds. While HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit is down on the ground, players will want to avoid the area of impact from the Malfunction Sparks that come from the boss.

Please note that if the boss is NOT destroyed after 30 seconds, players will need to start from Phase 1 to finish the boss. Players must ALSO cause the boss to go into Haywire Icon Haywire mode before it finishes the 3 minute cast of Annihilation Ray Icon Annihilation Ray. If players do not cause Haywire, the party will wipe.

Workshop is a much more linear dungeon, with very little trash to kill, although much of it is extremely dangerous, especially the pull right before the last boss! Make sure to skip it, if possible.

The four bosses of Workshop are:

Once players have cleared the trash Tonks, the bosses The Platinum Pummeler and Gnomercy 4.U. will spawn. Once again, these two bosses do not share a health pool. While in the Robodome Arena, players will encounter various environmental hazards scattered throughout and they are important to be aware of during this fight. First, Buzz Saw Icon Buzz Saws will be active and roll around the arena in a particular pattern.

Another environmental hazard that players will need to be aware of are the 4 Piston Smashers that are located in the center of the room. Each time that the piston smashes the The Platinum Pummeler, it will become deactivated and will remove one stack. Tanks will want to use taunt at the start of the encounter and kite The Platinum Pummeler to 3 Piston Smashers. At this point, Healers will most likely gain aggro until the first stack is removed, so make sure your tank taunts in the right direction.

Throughout the fight, the boss will cast Whirling Edge Icon Whirling Edge, which will deal a high amount of damage to anyone who is in melee range after the cast. Players will need to back away and kite the The Platinum Pummeler during this time. During this phase, the boss will also begin to lay mines on the ground, which players should try and avoid.

Gnomercy 4.U. is next and it will spend a lot of time not attacking the tank. Once Gnomercy 4.U. begins to cast Maximum Thrust Icon Maximum Thrust, players will need check which direction it is facing and dodge the ability. Once the boss impacts the wall, it will be stunned for 10 seconds.

Another ability Gnomercy 4.U. will do is Vent Jets Icon Vent Jets, which will be fixated on random players. The entire party will take a high amount of Fire damage every 10 seconds and it is recommended that healers use their cooldowns during this time. Players that are directly in front of the boss during Vent Jets Icon Vent Jets will take an additional amount of damage.

The next boss encounter is with K.U.-J.0. and is a very simple and straight-forward encounter with minimal mechanics. While in the arena, Junk Cubes will begin to be dropped. Any player who gets hit with Air Drop Icon Air Drop will deal minor damage to players in the area along with a knockback. Players will want to be aware of when these Junk Cubes are hit by K.U.-J.0.'s abilities, so that they can become "Heated" the first time it is hit; they will become a Junk Bomb the second time it is hit. Players will be instantly dealt with a deadly amount of damage and it will knock them back.

K.U.-J.0.'s last ability will be Explosive Leap Icon Explosive Leap. This ability will cause players to be marked and jumped on. The players that are marked should spread out from both the other players and the Junk Cubes. His most deadly ability is Venting Flames Icon Venting Flames. Players will be dealt a very high amount of Fire damage if they are in the line of sight of the boss. Players can use the Junk Cubes that are scattered around the arena or go into any corner to hide. Players will want to make sure to avoid any "Heated" Junk Cubes at the start of the cast.

Tanks will have Blazing Chomp Icon Blazing Chomp cast upon them, which will deal a very high amount of Magic damage every second and will need to be dispelled as soon as possible. Once this is dispelled, it will deal a minor amount of damage to the rest of the party.

At first glance, The Machinist's Garden appears to be a nice robot garden. But hidden away are many traps that will try to kill you and the other players of your group. As the fight with the Machinist's Garden goes on, it will continue to lay more traps that players will need to try and avoid.

At the start of the fight, Head Machinist Sparkflux will have an energy bar. Once the bar reaches 100, he will begin to cast Hidden Flame Cannon Icon "Hidden" Flame Cannon, which will leave a high ticking DoT on the player and can stack if you cross multiple lines. You can avoid this cast by looking at the center statue and look for the little sprouts that protrude after the cast. These spouts will tell the player where the Flame Cannons will begin and, once they begin to fire, players are locked into the room they are standing in.

Sparkflux will begin activating Inconspicuous Plants throughout the fight. Players will be randomly focused and have Blossom Blast Icon Blossom Blast channelled onto them. This will deal a significant amount of damage until the Inconspicuous Plant is killed. Once destroyed, it will become an Oil Fountain Icon Oil Fountain and transform itself once it has been hit with the next Hidden Flame Cannon Icon "Hidden" Flame Cannon.

When it is hit by the Hidden Flame Cannon Icon "Hidden" Flame Cannon, it will evolve into a Roaring Flame Icon Roaring Flame, causing fire patches in the area. Please keep in mind that Roaring Flame Icon Roaring Flame will not despawn and players will have more fire patches to dodge as this fight goes on.

Head Machinist Sparkflux will also cast Discom-BOMB-ulator Icon Discom-BOMB-ulator throughout the fight and this will leave a blue swirl on the ground. Players will have this cast on them at random and getting hit with this will end up disorienting the player for 9 seconds, but it can be dispelled. If the tank ends up getting hit with this cast, the boss will begin to melee another target.

Head Machinist Sparkflux's last ability is called Self-Trimming Hedge Icon Self-Trimming Hedge. This ability is a bouncing sawblade that will not despawn and any player getting hit with this will be dealt a large amount of damage.

King Mechagon is the final boss of the instance and will have a total of 3 phases. At the start of Phase 1, the boss will be in his Aerial Unit R-21/X Icon Aerial Unit R-21/X and while in this mode, the boss will not hit the tank in melee. Instead, tanks will have Pulse Blast Icon Pulse Blast cast on them, which deals pure Magic damage.

King Mechagon will summon 4 Plasma Orbs at the start of the fight. Players will want to avoid the orbs, as those who get too close will be dealt damage and knocked back. King Mechagon will also occasionally move these orbs using his ability Recalibrate Icon Recalibrate and deal massive damage in the areas marked, but also deal a smaller amount of damage to players that they pass through. Players will want to dodge these orbs by checking where they are going from the directional arrows on each orb.

Players will be targeted randomly with Giga-Zap. During the first phase of this fight, players will be hit with a large amount of upfront damage and will be left with a damage over time effect. Players can expect the debuff to last 12 seconds and damage taken will be increased from Giga-Zap by 100%. King Mechagon's last ability for Phase 1 is Cutting Beam Icon Cutting Beam.

The Aerial Unit R-21/X that King Mechagon is in will begin to fly and start to cast Cutting Beam Icon Cutting Beam. All players in the party will receive a high amount of damage, but will do massive damage to anyone who is directly under Cutting Beam Icon Cutting Beam. During this time, a random player will be chased by the Aerial Unit.

Once players have defeated the Aerial Unit R-21/X, King Mechagon will stun all players and enter the Omega Buster. This will begin Phase 2. Players can expect to face Plasma Orb Icon Plasma Orbs and Recalibrate Icon Recalibrate from Phase 1 and the Omega Buster can be tanked like a regular boss. The biggest difference in this phase will be the Giga-Zap ability.

During Phase 2, all players will be hit with Giga-Zap that are in the area, instead of it being on one player. This ability will also be cast three times in a row, which will make the debuff more important to manage during this phase. Any player who is marked with Giga-Zap will be tethered and it is recommended that they do not move. If Giga-Zap is not targeted on you, you will want to move out of the area to not get the debuff.

King Mechagon's final move of phase 2 will be to detach his Magneto-Arm Icon Magneto-Arm which lands in the arena. All players and Plasma Orbs will be drawn to the Arm for 9 seconds. While this happens, it will do ticking damage to the entire party and can be reduced by increasing your distance from the Magneto-Arm Icon Magneto-Arm.

For King Mechagon's final phase, King Mechagon ejects from the Omega Buster and will become a Tank and Spank fight. He will not have any special mechanics during this final phase.


Operation: Mechagon Hard Mode


HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit Hard Mode

Players can activate a hard mode of the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit boss fight if they so choose to. In order to unlock the hard mode fight, players will need to defeat the first 3 bosses with the unit hovering over the the boss. Players will not need to clear trash while the unit is above and can summon Gunker before the unit moves to make the fight a little easier.

When the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit is hovering over each boss while players fight, it will spawn 3 Walkie Shockie X1 robots that function the same way as in the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit boss fight. The only difference between these two are that the players will have the robots to deal with during the first 3 bosses.

Once players have cleared the first 3 bosses with the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit in the air, they will need to head to the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit. Players will be able to tell when they have activated the hard mode of this boss due to a Tank Buster MK2 instead of Tank Buster MK1. This new version is going to have similar mechanics to the first one, but will be harder; the Fulminating Zap Icon Fulminating Zap ability will be changed to Fulminating Burst Icon Fulminating Burst.

Players will notice that the Walkie Shockie X1s have been upgraded to Walkie Shockie X2s during Phase 1 of the fight. These robots are now all connected by Shock Link and players will want to avoid being in the middle of this connection. Players will have the chance to leave the area of the link, but will take a small amount of damage leaving.

The last change to the encounter is that players will only have 55 seconds to have HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit go into Haywire Icon Haywire mode before the cast of Annihilation Ray Icon Annihilation Ray has a chance to wipe the party.

Once players have defeated HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit, Players will be able to make there way to K.U.-J.0. as they normally would. Once players get to HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit, a pile of Robo-Waste will be located on the ground. These will be on the left where you walk in at and players will need to click on the Robo-Waste to send it flying into the fire which will activate hard mode.

Once players have begun to pull K.U.-J.0., a debuff will slowly begin to start stacking on the party, which will reduce everyone's movement speed by 5% per stack. This debuff will cap at 16 stacks which will slow every player by up to 80%. Players will need to defeat K.U.-J.0. while under the effects of this debuff and will need to head to the Junk Cubes when he casts Venting Flames Icon Venting Flames.


King Mechagon Hard Mode

Once players have defeated K.U.-J.0., a pillar with a red button will appear. You will need to interact with the button to activate the hard mode when you pull King Mechagon. King Mechagon's Hard Mode involves Annihilo-tron 5000, which is an untargetable NPC that will detonate once its countdown reaches 0. Annihilo-tron 5000 will have an energy bar that can be seen on the Boss Frames and it will drain at a rate of 20 energy every 9 seconds. Once the energy bar hits 0, every player within the party will be instantly killed after a few seconds.

Players will need to keep in mind that when Annihilo-tron 5000 hits 35 energy, a "Termination Sequence" will begin. When this begins, the Input Panels will flash a color and picture until each one has flashed once. Players will not need to remember the picture or color but the sequence of the Input Panels. These panels will then all flash a Red Skull again before they all reactivate with colors. This will begin the Input Phase, which will allow players to interact with the Input Panels and will need to input the correct Termination Sequence.

When players input the correct Termination Sequence, this will reset Annihilo-tron 5000 back to 100 Energy. Players will then be able to click on the Input Panels when the Annihilo-tron 5000 is at 11 Energy, which means that there is only 5 seconds to input the entire Termination Sequence. It is recommended to have one person stationed at each Input Panel.

The termination sequence will occur every 45 seconds throughout the fight with King Mechagon, which causes overlaps with some of the other mechanics that he has. Recalibrate Icon Recalibrate will cause a Plasma Orb Icon Plasma Orb to spawn if players stand near the Input Panels when that phase of the fight is not occurring. It is also recommended that you do not kill Aerial Unit R-21/X Icon Aerial Unit R-21/X when the termination sequence is beginning, as this will cause the party to be stunned for the Input Phase.

With Giga-Zap Icon Giga-Zap, Magneto-Arm Icon Magneto-Arm, and Cutting Beam Icon Cutting Beam: These can be lined up with the termination sequence, so players will need to try and survive this while paying attention to the combo sequence. Once done correctly and King Mechagon has been defeated, you will have successfully defeated Hard Mode.

Players will have the opportunity to obtain two rare mounts Operation: Mechagon that drop from the bosses within.

There are also two pets that players can obtained from the bosses within the dungeon.

Players can obtain a total of 4 Battle Pets from the dungeon. Players can obtain these by engaging in pet battles with the wild pets while inside the dungeon.

  • Alloyed Alleyrat
  • Clanking Scrapsorter
  • Copper Hopper
  • H4ND-EE

Please note that all Azerite Helms have been removed from the dungeon journal and it is not known if they have been removed entirely.

Item Name Slot Type Trait Source
Inventor's Ingenious Trifocals Icon Inventor's Ingenious Trifocals Helm Cloth Person-Computer Interface Icon Person-Computer Interface King Mechagon
Shoulderguards of Fraying Sanity Icon Shoulderguards of Fraying Sanity Shoulders Cloth Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart King Mechagon
Volatile Arming Doublet Icon Volatile Arming Doublet Chest Cloth Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Mekgineer's Mindbending Headgear Icon Mekgineer's Mindbending Headgear Helm Leather Person-Computer Interface Icon Person-Computer Interface King Mechagon
Extravagant Epaulettes Icon Extravagant Epaulettes Shoulders Leather Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart King Mechagon
Type II Bomber Jacket Icon Type II Bomber Jacket Chest Leather Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Apogee Inventor's Goggles Icon Apogee Inventor's Goggles Helm Plate Person-Computer Interface Icon Person-Computer Interface King Mechagon
Tank Buster Pauldrons Icon Tank Buster Pauldrons Shoulders Plate Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Mechanized Plate Chasse Icon Mechanized Plate Chasse Chest Plate Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart King Mechagon
Psychogenic Prognosticator's Lenses Icon Psychogenic Prognosticator's Lenses Helm Mail Person-Computer Interface Icon Person-Computer Interface King Mechagon
Epaulettes of Arcing Power Icon Epaulettes of Arcing Power Shoulders Mail Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Circuit-Linked Chainmail Icon Circuit-Linked Chainmail Chest Mail Clockwork Heart Icon Clockwork Heart King Mechagon
Item Name Color Source Stats
Subroutine: Emergency Repairs Icon Subroutine: Emergency Repairs Red HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit Healing allies under 50% health has a chance to restore 4157 mana to you over 6 seconds.
Performant Logic Board Icon Performant Logic Board Yellow Multiple Bosses +311 Haste, +93 Random Stat
Friend-or-Foe Identifier Icon Friend-or-Foe Identifier Blue HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit Track nearby Mechanic creatures, showing their location on the minimap.
Harmonic Dematerializer Icon Harmonic Dematerializer Red HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit Deals 7170 damage to target creature, and gives this effect a 10% boost when used on targets of the same name. Resets if used on a target of a different name. 45 second cooldown.
Omnipurpose Logic Board Icon Omnipurpose Logic Board Yellow Multiple Bosses +311 Versatility, +93 Random StatM
Electromagnetic Resistors Icon Electromagnetic Resistors Blue King Mechagon Reduces the potency of forced movement effects.
Subroutine: Overclock Icon Subroutine: Overclock Red King Mechagon Your abilities have a chance to grant you 280 Haste for 12 seconds.
Optimized Logic Board Icon Optimized Logic Board Yellow Multiple Bosses +311 Mastery, +93 Random Stat
Forceful Logic Board Icon Forceful Logic Board Yellow Multiple Bosses +311 Crit, +93 Random Stat
Item Name Profession Source Description
Schematic: Super-Charged Engine Icon Schematic: Super-Charged Engine Engineering K.U.-J.0. This pattern teaches how to craft the Super-Charged Engine Icon Super-Charged Engine, which is one of the two items needed to craft the Xiwyllag ATV Icon Xiwyllag ATV.
Recipe: Monelite Reinforced Chassis Icon Recipe: Monelite Reinforced Chassis Blacksmithing K.U.-J.0. This pattern teaches how to craft the Monelite Reinforced Chassis Icon Monelite Reinforced Chassis which is the second half of the items needed to craft the Xiwyllag ATV Icon Xiwyllag ATV.
Recipe: Abyssal Healing Potion Icon Recipe: Abyssal Healing Potion Alchemy Any Boss This recipe teaches the Rank 3 craft for Abyssal Healing Potion Icon Abyssal Healing Potion.
Recipe: Potion of Unbridled Fury Icon Recipe: Potion of Unbridled Fury Alchemy Any Boss This recipe teaches the Rank 3 craft for Potion of Unbridled Fury Icon Potion of Unbridled Fury.
Recipe: Potion of Wild Mending Icon Recipe: Potion of Wild Mending Alchemy Any Boss This recipe teaches the Rank 3 craft for Potion of Wild Mending Icon Potion of Wild Mending.
Recipe: Famine Evaluator And Snack Table Icon Recipe: Famine Evaluator And Snack Table Cooking Any Boss Teaches the Rank 3 craft for Potion of Wild Mending Icon Potion of Wild Mending.

Players can obtain the Vision of Perfection Icon Vision of Perfection Azerite Essence from running Operation: Mechagon or its Mythic+ wings. While Ranks 1-3 come from running the dungeon, Rank 4 is tied to the achievement Hertz Locker Icon Hertz Locker and is account-wide once unlocked.

  1. Engine of Mecha-Perfection Icon Engine of Mecha-Perfection: This Essence has a 100% drop chance from King Mechagon or the end of run Mythic+ chest, and is used to learn Rank 1 Vision of Perfection Icon Vision of Perfection.
  2. Blueprint: Perfectly Timed Differential Icon Blueprint: Perfectly Timed Differential: This blueprint drops from King Mechagon or the end of run Mythic+ chest, and teaches the player to craft Perfectly Timed Differential Icon Perfectly Timed Differential from Junkyard Tinkering.
  3. Progression Sprocket Icon Progression Sprocket: This Essence has a 100% drop chance from King Mechagon or the end of run Mythic+ chest, and will need six to combine and create Perfection-Enhancing Gearbox Icon Perfection-Enhancing Gearbox
  4. Mecha-Perfection Turbo Icon Mecha-Perfection Turbo: This can be obtained from the achievement Hertz Locker Icon Hertz Locker and will require players to have Rank 3 Vision of Perfection Icon Vision of Perfection obtained.

Players will be able to obtain rings from within Operation: Mechagon that have effects on them which are unfinished and will need to be equipped with the corresponding effect. These are called Conditions and Effects. An example of this would be equipping Logic Loop of Division Icon Logic Loop of Division and Shorting Bit Band Icon Shorting Bit Band, which will cause you to deal Nature damage to a nearby enemy while attacking an enemy from behind.

Item Name Type Main Stats Source
Modular Platinum Plating Icon Modular Platinum Plating Trinket Agility or Strength The Platinum Pummeler
Ingenious Mana Battery Icon Ingenious Mana Battery Trinket Intellect Head Machinist Sparkflux
Remote Guidance Device Icon Remote Guidance Device Trinket Agility or Strength Trixie Tazer
Item Name Type Main Stats Source
Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier Icon Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier One-Handed Mace Intellect/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Cranial Recalibrator Icon Cranial Recalibrator One-Handed Mace Agility/Stamina King Gobbamak
Salvaged Incendiary Tool Icon Salvaged Incendiary Tool One-Handed Axe Agility/Stamina Gunker
Fusion Hacker Icon Fusion Hacker One-Handed Axe Strength/Stamina HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Logg Icon Logg Two-Handed Mace Strength/Stamina King Gobbamak
Light Auto-Stabilizing Energy Rifle Icon Light Auto-Stabilizing Energy Rifle Gun Agility/Stamina HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Salvaged Mekacycle Shielding Icon Salvaged Mekacycle Shielding Shield Strength/Stamina/Intellect Trixie Tazer
Tearing Sawtooth Blade Icon Tearing Sawtooth Blade One-Handed Sword Strength/Stamina Head Machinist Sparkflux
Sharpened Trogg Femur Icon Sharpened Trogg Femur One-Handed Sword Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Apex Perforator Icon Apex Perforator Dagger Agility/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Trixie's Backup Backbiter Icon Trixie's Backup Backbiter Dagger Agility/Stamina Trixie Tazer
Reclaimed Shock Coil Icon Reclaimed Shock Coil Staff Agility/Stamina King Gobbamak
Neural Synapse Enhancer Icon Neural Synapse Enhancer Dagger Intellect/Stamina Head Machinist Sparkflux
Item Name Slot Type Main Stats Source
Insulating Threaded Gloves Icon Insulating Threaded Gloves Hands Cloth Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Operator's Mitts Icon Operator's Mitts Hands Cloth Intellect/Stamina K.U.-J.0
Self-Sanitizing Handwraps Icon Self-Sanitizing Handwraps Hands Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina King Mechagon
Galvanized Leather Grips Icon Galvanized Leather Grips Hands Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina King Gobbamak
Swift Pneumatic Grips Icon Swift Pneumatic Grips Hands Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina K.U.J-.0
Slick Tactical Grips Icon Slick Tactical Grips Hands Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Gauntlets of Absolute Authority Icon Gauntlets of Absolute Authority Hands Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina King Mechagon
High Speed Gauntlets Icon High Speed Gauntlets Hands Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina Trixie Tazer
Royal Attendant's Trousers Icon Royal Attendant's Trousers Legs Cloth Intellect/Stamina King Mechagon
Overcharged Pantaloons Icon Overcharged Pantaloons Legs Cloth Intellect/Stamina HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit
Unseen Predator's Breeches Icon Unseen Predator's Breeches Legs Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina Trixie Tazer
Flame-Seared Leggings Icon Flame-Seared Leggings Legs Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina K.U.-J.0.
Reinforced Riding Chausses Icon Reinforced Riding Chausses Legs Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina Trixie Tazer
Self-Repairing Cuisses Icon Self-Repairing Cuisses Legs Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina Head Machinist Sparkflux
Anodized Plate Legguards Icon Anodized Plate Legguards Legs Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina King Gobbamak
Heavy Alloy Legplates Icon Heavy Alloy Legplates Legs Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Supplicant's Soiled Slippers Icon Supplicant's Soiled Slippers Feet Cloth Intellect/Stamina King Gobbamak
Hyperthread Boots Icon Hyperthread Boots Feet Cloth Intellect/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Ooey-Gooey Galoshes Icon Ooey-Gooey Galoshes Feet Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Machinist's Treasured Treads Icon Machinist's Treasured Treads Feet Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina Head Machinist Sparkflux
Regal Mekanospurs Icon Regal Mekanospurs Feet Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina King Mechagon
Roughshod Chain Boots Icon Roughshod Chain Boots Feet Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina King Gobbamak
Pyroclastic Greatboots Icon Pyroclastic Greatboots Feet Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina K.U.-J.0.
Greaves of Acid Resistance Icon Greaves of Acid Resistance Feet Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Ringmaster's Cummerbund Icon Ringmaster's Cummerbund Waist Cloth Intellect/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Silken Safety Harness Icon Silken Safety Harness Waist Cloth Intellect/Stamina Trixie Tazer
Mad King's Sporran Icon Mad King's Sporran Waist Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Mekgineer's Championship Belt Icon Mekgineer's Championship Belt Waist Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Mekgineer's Utility Belt Icon Mekgineer's Utility Belt Waist Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Well-Oiled Plate Girdle Icon Well-Oiled Plate Girdle Waist Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina Gunker
Automatic Waist Tightener Icon Automatic Waist Tightener Waist Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina Head Machinist Sparkflux
Hyperthread Wristwraps Icon Hyperthread Wristwraps Wrist Cloth Intellect/Stamina King Mechagon
Wraps of Electrostatic Potential Icon Wraps of Electrostatic Potential Wrist Leather Agility or Intellect/Stamina Trixie Tazer
Gold-Coated Superconductors Icon Gold-Coated Superconductors Wrist Mail Agility or Intellect/Stamina The Platinum Pummeler
Anodized Deflectors Icon Anodized Deflectors Wrist Plate Strength or Intellect/Stamina King Mechagon
Trashmaster's Mantle Icon Trashmaster's Mantle Back Agility or Strength or Intellect/Stamina K.U.-J.0.
Mountebank's Colorful Cloak Icon Mountebank's Colorful Cloak Back Agility or Strength or Intellect/Stamina Trixie Tazer
  • 02 Feb. 2020: Clarified how to obtain Vision of Perfection in 8.3.
  • 15 Jan. 2020: Updated for 8.3 patch changes and elaborated on the Mythic+ version of the dungeon.
  • 03 Aug. 2019: Added Hardmode and Loot Tables.
  • 10 Jul. 2019: Guide added.

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